The recent Malayalam super hit film 'Hridayam' premiered on July 24 on Asianet. A feel-good emotional movie, Hridayam is a bittersweet nostalgia trip and a journey of revival and self-discovery. Watch Hridayam on Asianet and take a trip down memory lane.
The story narrates the life of a college-going boy growing up as a man and his two stages of adulthood. The campus life, ragging, first love, breakups, friends - nostalgia hits you hard in this coming-of-age story. Starring Pranav Mohanlal, Kalyani Priyadarshan and Darshana Rajendran in the lead roles, Hridayam is written and directed by Vineeth Sreenivasan.
Pranav is just perfect and convincing in all shades of Arun Neelakandan. His effortless performance in carrying his role is visible all through the film. Kalyani is brilliant as Nithya. Darshana grabbed all the eyeballs with her fabulous screen presence. Both the female actors lived in their parts and stole the show with stunning performances. Viswajith Odukkathil's cinematography is mesmerizing and takes you to the lanes of Chennai. Hesham Abdul Wahab's ethereal music not just transports us to those beautiful college days but lifts the film's mood in every part.
Although the story is simple, Hridayam is straight from the heart. Vineeth Sreenivasan weaves his true magic with his writing and direction to take us to a different world. He is not in a hurry but quickly builds a connection with us. Hridayam is a three-hour heart-touching film, but you never get bored with it. An inspiring movie; it tells us to let go and move on.
Watch Hridayam on Asianet through YuppTV and recollect all the college memories.